In this exploration, we are partnering with Osservatori Digital Innovation from the School of Management at Politecnico di Milano for an exciting research project on the future of Human Wellbeing in the Era of Intelligent Technologies in 2035.
In highly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous contexts existing in modern society, leaders, innovators, and organizations are required to design desirable futures responsibly and proactively, as opposed to adapting and reacting to emerging futures after they have been defined.

In this Futures Thinking Observatory, we are collaborating with the observatory team, six other partners, and six sponsors. Throughout 2024, we will delve into the ‘distant’ future, experimenting with cutting-edge future scenario design approaches and instruments to devise desirable futures in a collaborative manner.

The overall activity aims to stimulate a critical and reflective attitude in designing ‘desirable and meaningful’ future scenarios. Enable constant comparison and debate between leaders and innovators operating in different knowledge domains in order to create an innovation culture oriented towards people, society, and the planet.
The Observatory will host all the activity and guide the participants through this annual activity that will end in June 2024 with a public presentation of the research results.
Partners: Eni, Ericsson, Cimbali Group, Lavazza Group, Medici Senza Frontiere, Mediclinic, VRD Research
Sponsors: Alidays Travel Experiences, Barilla Group, Bormioli Pharma, Mediaset, Novartis, Sofdel S.p.A.,
UnipolSai Assicurazioni Spa
Leading Team: Emilio Bellini, Claudio Dell’Era, Stefano Magistretti
Organization: Osservatori Digital Innovation, LEADIN’ Lab – Polimi