“Transitioning from an exclusively transactional relationship and engaging in a participatory and value-added one, demands an important paradigm shift.”

Roche Pharmaceuticals, a global leader in oncological treatments, had to face the entry of biosimilars into the Brazilian market. In 2017, anticipating significant shifts in the business landscape, the company undertook a strategic reformulation of its business model and value proposition. Roche commissioned VRD to lead a service design project aimed at finding solutions to address the imminent risk of losing market share with the entry of several pharmaceutical companies and their generic offerings.
Collaborating with Roche’s internal team, VRD conducted extensive research activities, fostering connections with key players in the purchase and distribution chain, including hospitals, health insurers, and intermediaries. Through co-design and co-creation activities, this collaborative effort resulted in the formulation of solutions. The project evolved into a participatory and value-added plan, building upon existing activities that, while previously having little impact in sales pitches, are poised to play a more relevant role in the future.